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Program Overview

哲学 is the enterprise of thinking as deeply and rigorously as possible about the largest, most important and enduring questions human beings can conceive: What is the nature of reality? How is knowledge of the world possible? Does God exist? What is the meaning of life? How ought we to live?

As a philosophy minor at Agnes Scott, you will learn how to think with exceptional depth and analytical rigor. You will learn how to read challenging texts and analyze their core 参数, in the process becoming 更多的 confident and skilled in formulating and supporting your own positions—critical capacities in today’s world.

In many of our courses, you will experience a mix of lectures, 讨论, and group work, as well as debate. In our smaller intermediate and advanced courses, you will engage in close readings of texts, intense 讨论 of enduring questions in contemporary philosophy and critical analyses of influential and important 参数 by famous philosophers such as Aristotle, 阿奎那, 笛卡尔, Kant and Nietzsche. In applied ethics classes, you will have the chance to discuss highly controversial issues in a setting that insists on mutual respect and independent, critical thought.

An Agnes Scott philosophy minor student looks ahead longingly in class.

What You'll Learn

Develop and hone techniques of critical analysis and creative argument construction. By fulfilling the requirements of this minor, you'll gain a thorough grounding in the key areas of the discipline. You'll learn:

  • The main positions, 参数, 原则, and theories of major figures in the history of philosophy
  • How to distinguish valid from invalid 参数, strong from weak 参数, sound from unsound 参数
  • An understanding of how philosophy illuminates and provides tools for addressing the major social and moral problems of our time

Program Highlights

Collaborative Learning and Campus Involvement

Classes in philosophy are a dialectical exchange between faculty and students and among students themselves about some of the most important text and problems in the philosophical tradition. Many philosophy students are also active in Phi Sigma Tau, the philosophy honor society.

Global Opportunities

You can take advantage of several study abroad opportunities ranging from Agnes Scott’s Global Awareness program, the College Year in Athens, the International Human Rights Exchange at the University of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, 南非, and the Oxford University program for a traditional study abroad experience benefiting from the student-driven tutorial system.

Research Opportunities

Agnes Scott emphasizes student-faculty research and independent research opportunities. You'll have opportunities to submit your work to the Society for Student Philosophers, and possibly present at meetings of the American Philosophical Association. The research you'll do in upper level classes may also culminate into papers suitable for applications to Ph.D. programs in philosophy.

Meet the 教师



Professor of 哲学, Director of the Ethics Program


Harald (Hal) Thorsrud

Professor of 哲学

Working in 哲学

Because of their logic and critical reasoning skills, philosophy minors are often sought by businesses and organizations.

Students graduating with a philosophy minor acquire highly marketable and transferable skills. They can think clearly and critically about a wide range of issues, effectively using logic and evidence to argue for positions of their own and to analyze the 参数 of others. They can clarify complex problems, interpret difficult texts and grapple with fundamental questions.

  • Research Analyst
  • 格兰特的作家
  • 协调员
  • 法学院
  • 医学院
  • 研究生院

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